Monday, June 18, 2007

Waiting is boring

So, I'm waiting for my surgery. I'm in the lounge - staring at a pot of coffee I can't have, wishing I had some water and something for the dehydration headache as I wait for my turn to wander back and put on a hospital gown.

DH has finished his newspaper and has gone on to find something to eat. I love that hospitals have wireless to entertain their patients.

I was talking with DH's Aunt the other night. I really like her, and she was one of the first family members I met. She looked at me and asked how I was doing about the surgery. The way it was spoken, it was obvious that she meant because of the last time. My last surgery was almost fatal. Not that I anticipate problems, but you don't expect problems when you have a child either. Routine isn't anymore and I was so amazed that this woman who I've seen a half a dozen times in the past 12 years understood. I just loved it.

The girls are now at their grandmas and I really want to call and see how they are doing after their first night. I'm sure they are fine, but I almost missed my little ones hugging me this morning - except that it was nice to wake up in a king sized bed and just roll over and read until it was time to wake up.

I really want coffee.

But, I just can't wait until I can have some coffee!


Danielle said...

I hope you have a rockin' good med student in there with you ;) And I wish they could put some coffee in your IV for you. Good vibes coming your way

Kelly said...

Thinking of you and your surgery today! Hoping it is successful!

Fantastagirl said...

Hope you had a very successful surgery!