Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sorry I've not been around too much this week. I've not been sleeping well. I'm not sure if the meds I've been taking is causing insomnia or if I'm overstressed from work, or both - but I'm not sleeping well, and therefore tired and unmotivated.

Class Thursday night was a bit interesting. I'd decided to watch a movie rather than have a reading. In the beginning of class, I was giving some general instructions and some member of the class were chatting. I finally had to play the "middle school" line of "do you have something to share with the class?"

Then, as I was about to start the movie, I realized that one of the students still had an ear bud from his mp3 player hanging from his ear. I told him that he didn't need the ear bud to listen to the movie. He told me that he might fall asleep as he turned OFF the mp3 player and took out the ear bud.

OK, I realize that this is a different generation of students (and when I was this age, passing notes was the most I did), but I'm still amazed that they can't seem to pay attention to class without listening to music.

I guess for a while, I need to treat them like they are in middle school. Hopefully they will learn that they are actually in college.

They need a few other lectures also. I don't mind some joking, but they also need to take things seriously when it's time or I can't determine how well they are learning and can't give them a grade they may deserve.


Fantastagirl said...

I can't imagine not paying attention in my college classes - especially when I had to work to pay my way through college. Unreal. And the lack of respect - that would drive m nuts, I'd want to kick them out of class. (but I don't know how that works on a college level.)

Kelly said...

The blatant disrespect is what gets me! WOW! I shudder to think what this next generation will be like in the work world!