Sunday, November 16, 2008

Delayed update

Oh, I forgot to update on Sydney.

On Friday we saw the doctor. He first cut off the cast. Sydney immediately started to move her arm. The doc told her to wait until she had the xray before she moved it too much, so Sydney plastered her arm across her chest like she was saying the Pledge of Allegiance. The xray was finished and read and the new bone was proclaimed ready enough to be without a cast.

Yesterday, I got a bug up my butt that I was going to get the kitchen clean - I mean really clean it. Cabinets got emptied out, drawers cleaned out and re-arranged (I moved the cooking utensils to the chefs table so they were between the counter and stove - I've been tired of walking around the chef table to get things I needed for the stove). I've not finished the job, but it's really looking nice.

Unfortunately, I think we will have to go to the vet tomorrow. Sparkles had a paw stepped on by accident yesterday. She's not walking on it yet. We'll see how she is doing tomorrow.

And, I'm thanking the producers of the TinkerBell movie for making a movie that isn't so obnoxious that I can't stand watching it after the 10th viewing. With Sydney still down, she has been watching a lot of it, which means so do I. LOL.

I managed to recover one of our dining room chairs yesterday. Only three more to go! And, I have to finish grading nine more papers (more like eight and a half because I read one as a draft and so I just need to grade the components).

Last night, we went to a sock hop to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our preschool. They had a contest to see who could hulahoop the longest. Sydney came in second in her age group. Sarah came in first - which was even more impressive because they competed in two groups and she won the first group and had to repeat her performance for the second group. She was really proud of herself.

Off to start my list for the day!


Me said...

Sigh. I'm glad they did the xray! When Kat had hers off last month he rushed in, sawed it off and rushed out the office to get home for the day! NO X-rays at ALL and we have doubts it was ready. She's still wearing her brace (by choice!) almost daily.

Fantastagirl said...

Glad she is out of the cast, i'm sure she'll have to be careful for a while, but soon she's be back to her fun self, and not stuck on the couch watching Tinkerbell.

I'm debating going out and buying that movie right now. I wanted to wait for the holiday...but am thinking if I have to listen to one more episode of Hannah Montana, I may just die.