Monday, November 24, 2008

Where does the time go

I'm trying to figure out why I couldn't manage to update in a week, but then I realized that DH was out of town last week and dealing with tired, grumpy kids and a toxic work situation left me uninspired. Then it was time to clean house before my ILs came for Thanksgiving.

Sydney was sent to her room for time out a few times on Saturday. Ummm, this is what we found - an extremely tolerant kitty.

I've finally decided that I'm going to buy a new laptop. This one has a few minor things that are going to continue to get more irritating. Plus, this way I can get the Christmas deal savings. I also reminded DH that since I use it as teaching, we can take it off on taxes.

I'm just trying to get by ducks in a row to survive the end of the semester, the Christmas season, and the last few weeks of this job.

Sydney got her second cast off. She not so sure about bending her elbow, but is thrilled to be free.

And, I have two very sweet kitties to give me loves.

Oh, and my ILs are going to watch the girls so DH and I can go on a DATE!

1 comment:

Fantastagirl said...

ohhh a date.... that is awesome! I hope you have a good time!