Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I want to ban Murphy from my house

I keep stubbing my toe - my broken toe - on things. Do I ever stub the right foot? NO. . .that would be to convenient. No, I keep stubbing the broken toe.

And, last night I couldn't fall asleep. Too much on my mind. I finally forced myself to walk to bed at 2:30. It took a little bit more to fall asleep. I woke up to help get the kids out of the house.

It's going to be a rough few days while I try to get my groove back. I'm too old to lose sleep.

AND, I just realized that I forgot to start the chicken in the crock pot. I'm bringing dinner to a friend who tore several things in her knee, has two kids, and her DH is on travel this week. I need to bake brownies too because life is always better with a little chocolate.

Oh, and I decided to give up equal and splenda. My craving for sweets was getting a little out of control. I decided to see if there was any truth to the studies that artificial sweeteners leave your body craving more sugar. Most of my artificial sweeteners come from coffee or tea.

And, I've actually seen some improvement in what I *need* to eat.

But, now I need to get dressed and get stuff going for dinner.

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