Thursday, January 26, 2006

For Becky - How to sponser a blood drive


You asked about how to sponsor a blood drive, and it was a little more that could fit on a comment.

It was easy in some respects, time consuming in others.

First you need to find the organization you want to work with. The Red Cross is one, your local blood bank is another. You can call your local hospital to find out who services them.

For my drive, I had to:
locate a place,
coordinate volunteers to help set up/clean up, help check people in, give out snacks, etc.,
schedule donors.

The blood bank pretty much did the rest. They:
provided marketing materials for me to distribute
brought in the equipment
Brought snacks, drinks, etc.

If you have more questions, feel free to email me at

Reminds me, I need to schedule my drive for this spring.


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