Tuesday, January 24, 2006

How do they always know

For those of you with kids, have you ever noticed that the minute you decided "I'll get up early to finish this," THAT is the moment some force allows your kids to wake in the middle of the night?

While I was working on my lesson plan for today's class, I realized that I had set up my lecture so the students first learned about corporate culture, then we discussed the chapter about Enron Corp. that they read (It came from The Smartest Guys in the Room which is a GREAT book about the actions that lead to the downfall of Enron. Some of it is so unbelievable). After discussing the culture of Enron, then they would discuss in small groups the chapters read from More than a Motorcycle, the Leadership journey at Harley Davidson.

Well, last week I realized I forgot to get them the chapter. I thought we would just move it a week not realizing how it would affect my lesson plan until last night. So, I went to bed with the sole intent of getting up early to fix my lesson plan and exercise.

At 2:00 DD#2 wakes up. Change in plan. I did manage 15 min of exercise (very proud of this) and will fix my lesson plan at lunch.

How do they always know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, so true. Or how about the ol we have to leave the house early tomorrow deal and he decides of all days that today he will sleep in????