Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday Six - for the love of Green Beer

"Sunday Six!" is a game where Kelly asks us to have six questions answered. Remember, the idea is to post answers to the following six question, but the trick is to get your kids to answer them! If you don't have kids, use your imagination... Your pet, your neighbor, your elderly family member, your roommate, etc. Did you play? Let me and Kelly know so we can visit you. Today I was able to ask Sarah (SB - age 7) and Sydney (SK - age 4) the questions.

1. What is a Shamrock?

SK: Shamrock is a special kind of rock.

SB: It looks like a clover, but it instead of 3 or 4, it has 6.

2. What is a Leprechaun?

SK: Now, I wanted to do the Shamrock, what it looks.
Mom: OK, what does a shamrock look like.
SK: It has 5 sides.
SK: It's a special kind of Shamrock.

SB: It's a special kind of potato (then laughs)

3. Why does St. Patrick like the color green?

SK: A special kind of Shamrock.

SB: Because he's a saint and he loved green clovers.

4. Who is St. Patrick?

SK: He's a special kind of Shamrockie.

SB: He's a special kind of potato.

5. What happens if you don't wear green on St. Patrick's Day?

SK: It will be sad.

SB: I forgot.

6. How will you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

SK: If everyone is there.

SB: I don't know yet!
Mom: I do.
SB/SK: What - tell us since we already answered the question.
Mom: You will be skating in the ice show that day, and it's our friend Andrew's second birthday.


So, with all the blasted rehearsals for this ice show, I've not been around as much. I'm also trying to get the house clean before Thursday night since my house has usually been in chaos when my ILs seem to visit. I'd like it to be a little clean this time.

Time to get ready for church - since we lost an hour.

1 comment:

MommyOutOfControl said...

Potato? LOL. We played too. Tell the girls goodluck for the ice show...sounds like fun! I know what you mean about the house...mine could be clean for weeks, and the MIL will "pop" by and it is of course trashed. She thinks I am the worst housekeeper in the world. OK, I'm not OCD like she is (hmmm, I'll have to do a post and list her freaky habits!).