Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy St. Urho Day

Are you wearing your purple and green?

What, you've never heard of St Urho? Well, here you can find more information here:

This is going to be a long weekend. Last night I went to a friends house for dinner. She made this fabulous recipe from the Penzey's spice catalog.

Oh, you've never heard of Penzey's before? Well, that's another link you need to try out.

One of the participants of "girls night" brought a movie called "Drop Dead Gorgeous." I highly recommend it if you like that dark comedy along the lines of Heathers. GREAT CAST!

So, I went to bed late and then woke up suddenly at 4:30. Why, I don't know. At 5:15 I gave up and got up. I think my brain is on overload about work yesterday. I'll take a nap later today.

This weekend my girls have their first ice show. They are taking lessons through our community program and this group, the competition skating groups, and the school ice skating groups team together to show off their accomplishments. I'm not sure how Sydney will do - she's more or less skating across the ice. The hard part is that we have a 2 hour rehearsal tonight, a 2 hour rehearsal tomorrow morning, a 2 hour performance tomorrow night and a 2 hour performance Sunday afternoon. I hope Sydney doesn't burn out and decide she's not performing. *le sigh*

I'll post pics later.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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