Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ummm - Opps?

I decided to take a break for lunch today. I ran to the cafeteria and decided to sit and talk with my husband for a few minutes while he ate. As it approached 1:00, I started to wonder why he wasn't leaving to teach class. Then, I realized he hadn't shaved today and that meant it was Thursday not Wednesday and he doesn't teach.

That also meant that I was suppose to have picked my daughter up from daycare to take her to preschool 30 minutes prior.

DH pretty much laughed at me and thought (based on the timing of when I sat down) that I had come back from dropping her off. I grabbed his keys and hoped I didn't get a ticket since my driver's license was in my office. Got Sydney, brought her to school and dropped DH's keys at his office. Course, I couldn't just drop the car in the garage because my card to get into the garage was in my car - which was locked - and my keys in my purse - which was in my office - SO, I had to get DH garage card, move the car and deliver key and card. Thankfully Sydney didn't notice and the preschool teacher did the bumble bee song again so Syd didn't miss it.

While I was delayed doing this, I walked passed a girl who was wearing the ugliest skirt I'd seen in a while. It looked like a 1970s prairie skirt in length and puffiness BUT, it was made out of old ties sewn together, with all the points at the bottom. I really wished I'd had my camera phone with me.

On to the rest of my day!

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