Monday, December 31, 2007

No wonder men and women can't communicate

DH comes to the top of the stairs from the painting room.

"Honey, I have a big favor to ask. Can I use one of your spatulas? You won't get it back but I'll buy you a new one."

I got to the drawer, open it and grab one of the spatulas.

ME: "Sure, do you want the metal one or the plastic one."

DH: "The plastic one."

ME: "or do you want the mixing kind."

DH: "The mixing kind. That is a flipper." he says pointing to the spatula I have in my hand.

ME: "No, I say grabbing the plastic scrapper. That is a spatula, this is a scrapper." I say handing it to him.

Oh yes, there is a language barrier even with kitchen utensils.

Must get back to the lasagna and get the meatballs out of the oven.

1 comment:

Kim said...

i get into that one too! i think like your hubby! :)