Sunday, December 30, 2007

The week in review

I kept thinking I needed to update, but have had a hard time sitting down and just writing.

Christmas and Christmas Eve were wonderful. Sarah had been sick in the days before (I think it was just excitement that made her tummy sick), but was well in time for Christmas Eve service.

Before we left for Church, the girls and I made cookies for Santa.

This year, Sydney carried the Baby Jesus during the procession (Sarah had carried it the past 3 years and now it was Sydney's turn). Sarah walked behind her, with her hands on Sydney's shoulders to help guide her. Sydney walked holding the Baby Jesus ever so carefully with a smile of pride and joy on her face. It made me wish I'd had a camera, I didn't think about using the one on my phone until it was too late.

We came home from Church and the girls found the jamies and slippers I left them on their beds. Then they went with DH to find the moose jamies I left him.
Note the present placement - the girls had spent that afternoon dividing all the presents into piles.
Christmas was wonderful. Sydney woke up around 7:30 and we watched shows and snuggled in bed (and I started the dough for the Carmel Rolls) while we waited for Sarah to wake up. Unfortunately, my Kitchen Aid broke just as it finished kneading the dough. But, the carmel rolls turned out great!

Bless the lovely people at Kitchen Aid who is sending me a new one. It was my Christmas present to myself last year, so just under it's one year warranty.
We had a lovely Christmas day with good food, naps, lots of presents, and overwhelmed girls.
Today, Sarah and I are going to scrapbook some pictures with her new scrapbook and Sydney will select some more pictures to put in her photo album.
Later, I will take pictures of my two favorite Christmas presents.
This week I've done lots of strange little jobs that I've wanted to do for a while - clean the freezer out, clean out the videos/entertainment center storage areas, and vacuum the basement (it's sort of finished in 1948 playroom, and DH's workshop is there so there is lots of dust. It's more storage room than playroom. But the girls got razor scooters for Christmas and needed space to ride them, so I vacuumed (ok, part of it was trying to figure out how much water damage we had when the girls discovered a couple of tiles in the floor coming up - but that is another story)
We still need to get our Christmas cards mailed (in reality, assembled, letter written and printed, etc) but my goal is to get them sent between Christmas and New Years and I can still meet that goal!!
And a Sydney funny: The other day she was wearing a mock turtle neck. She announced that she was wearing a "turtle neck" and a "turtle wrist" (for the wristband.)


Melanie said...

How in the world does a Kitchen Aid break? How terrible. The rolls do look yummy. I've been meaning to ask - Did you have lasagne for Christmas Eve? Jim made his from scratch, and Mrs Stouffer made ours :)

Me said...

How does your family rate that your girls get to carry up baby Jesus every year? LOL. Sweet - can't believe you forgot a camera. ;)

And the broken Kitchen Aid - awesome of them to send a new one!

Kelly said...

Very cool on the Kitchen Aid! Sounds like a perfect Christmas! Hugs to you - I am anxiously awaiting your New Year's card! ;)