Saturday, June 24, 2006

I'm HOME!!

Ever since I left for college, I have always felt that I have two homes. One is where I'm currently sleeping, one is where my family lives.

Yesterday, I flew home for the first time in three years. I've not seen my sister or nephews in that time. I really miss them. They have not seen my girls in that time.

The girls did pretty well on the flight. DH couldn't come this time. It was just me. But, I've flown with them alone before, so I knew I could do it.

My only complaint with visiting home is that I never get to visit my friends because my family is a bit protective of my time. That, and my mother/father live a couple of hours from everyone on one direction, my sister in the other, so it's not really easy. When it was just me it was no problem, but harder with the kids.

But, this time, I'm looking forward to a low key visit.

But, WE ARE GOING TO THE NATIONAL ZOO!! I love the zoo (good ones, the ones that don't stink) I used to bring a book to the zoo and sit near the lions and tigers in the grass and read for the afternoon when I used to living in Arlington after college.

So, I'll be intermittent, but then again I've been pretty intermittent lately anyway.

Thanks for sticking with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Psssssst, remember me?? Trust me, I miss my blog life too! I will get back on my feet, I promise. I did post some pics today ! Hope that fills your need. One of these days I will get The Boy back to Sunday Six! Keep well.