Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday Six - Our Father.

"Sunday Six!" is a game where Kelly asks us to have six questions answered. Remember, the idea is to post answers to the following six question, but the trick is to get your kids to answer them! If you don't have kids, use your imagination... Your pet, your neighbor, your elderly family member, your roommate, etc. Did you play? Let me and Kelly know so we can visit you.

Today I was able to ask Sarah (SB - age 6 yrs) and Sydney (SK - age 3 yrs) the Sunday 6. I asked Sydney first so she was not influenced by her big sister's answers. Here they are:

1. What is a Father?

SK: I don't know.

SB: Our Dad.

2. Why do we have Fathers?

SK: I don't know.

SB: To play with.

3. What do Father's do?

SK: I don't know

SB: Work in a workshop

4. How do you celebrate Father's Day?

SK: I don't know.

SB: Each chocolate cake

5. What have you learned from your Father?

SK: I don't know.

SB: A ton of things.

6. Do you have any other names for your Father - if so, what are they?

SK: No. (well at least it's a different answer)

SB: Daddy. (and when she was little - Dabby)


The other Sunday, our Priest's sermon was on how our culture has become a culture of shoppers. We shop for the best price, the best product, etc.

She went on to comment about shopping for the church that best meets our needs. Or the church with the best sermon, the best music, etc. The way she phrased it, it was obviously a bad thing. But I didn't see it that way. After all, I had shopped for a church.

To me, my relationship with God and my relationship with Church are two different things. I don't need a church to have a relationship with God. To me, Church is a community that has a shared mission, shared values, shared vision. Am I doing myself a service if I just join a church because it's the religion I've always been?

I was raised Catholic. I decided that I had two many issues with the church's beliefs to stay Catholic. I knew that I wanted to stay within a religion that held similar beliefs - after all I wanted a community with shared views - and I didn't disagree with all the Catholic Churches teachings.

But, I wanted to be in a church that I could agree with the sermon's teachings, that the music moved me, and I liked and felt accepted by the people who belonged to the congregation.

So, is it wrong to "shop" for a church? To find the group that best fits your need for community? I guess it's all in the sale.


Fantastagirl said...

Great sunday six!

I don't think it's wrong to shop for a church. I understand where you came from.

Kami said...

Oooohhhh, the little one is cathing on to my kid's way of doing things.

I agree that you don't have to have a relationship with a church to have a relationship with God. I have been shopping for one for YEARS that I didn't feel was filled with judgemental people. UGH. Back to the drawing board...

Kami said...

OH! One church I really liked when visiting a friend was Calvary Chapel. It was very laid back, they had great music, and there were kids in there, covered in tattoos, and no one was staring them down, as they would have been at my church I grew up in. Anyway. Great post. Gave me some thought food. :)

MommyOutOfControl said...

Great Sunday Six. And very thought provoking post also. I agree that you don't have to have a "home church" or base to have a religion with God. Your faith in God is independent of all else, it is with you at all times, no matter which church you do or don't go to. I agree that shopping for the right church is a have to share in their goals, ideals, beliefs and raising your children in a church is a huge commitment! Good topic.

Danielle said...

I don't think it is wrong to church shop. It might not even be wrong to chuch hop! Like you said, God doesn't live in the physical building.