Thursday, July 13, 2006

Two Out of Three Ain't Bad.

I want you.
I need you.
But there ain't no way I'm every going to love you.
But don't feel sad.
Cause two out of three ain't bad.

I heard this Meatloaf song driving to work this morning. I also heard it a few months ago. I remember when the song was first released thinking that it was so romantic - someone who didn't want you to feel sad just because they were unable to love you the way you wanted but still cared deeply. Ah, teenage angst years.

But, now that I'm grown up, I hate the message this song sends. Not so much because he is saying that we should accept a relationship that will never include deep love, but that many young girls will interpret (and probably have) that this is ok.

I have two girls. I hope that I can instill in them the pride in themselves that allows them to say "yes, this makes me sad but I deserve so much more." That - two without three is bad.

I also hope that I can help them understand that the lyrics in a love song are not to be taken verbatim.


Kelly said...

Wow, I guess I never really listened to the lyrics of that song. He only has physical wants. You go girl!

MommyOutOfControl said...

Great post...I totally agree that this is sending *such* a bad message to our youth. There is enough of this without perpetuating it in song.
