Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Up and Down

Today, Sydney was excited all day because her tumbling class was starting. I missed signing her up by 15 minutes for the first session.

Well, we arrived tonight only to discover that not enough kids signed up and tumbling was cancelled. I was quite frustrated (as was the woman running tumbling) because she wanted to call everyone and her boss insisted that they wait to make sure there were not some late minute arrivals.

Well, since we were out and Sarah and Sydney's bikes were in the back of the truck, we decided to ride bikes. For Sarah this means more practice without training wheels. Sarah really wants the training wheels back. She just doesn't understand how to balance herself.

Well tonight, she got it!! I was so proud of her (and so frustrated I was without my camera).

Then Sydney (who is 3.5 yrs and 3 years younger than Sarah) decided to give Sarah's bike a go. She managed to ride about 3 pedal turns without DH holding her. So, she now wants the training wheels taken off her bike.

And so it goes - my older cautious child being told it's time and my younger child saying "hey, I can do that!"

1 comment:

Danielle said...

It cracks me up that I can really "see" thier personalities through how you write about them and thier answers on Sunday Six. The internet is strange