This week's answers for SUNDAY SIX! The theme this week - Zoo!
1. How many different animals are kept at the Zoo?
SK: Giraffes and zebras and lions and what other animals can I think of, cats and puppies, and that's all. (Sarah: Monkey's) and monkeys.
SB: 59
2. What is your favorite animal at the zoo?
SK: A giraffe
SB: Elephant
3. What is the name of your local zoo?
SK: Zoo.
SB: I have no clue.
(I believe our "local" zoo is 4 hours away. Since Sydney was born, the only zoo the girls have gone to is at Grandma's house in South Dakota - 10 hours away.)
4. What do you do at the zoo?
SK: We look at animals.
SB: Play golf.
Mom: Did you say "play golf?"
SB: Yes. That's what we do at our zoo.
Mom: Our zoo? OH yea. (We have a restaurant that has a few farm animals the kids can feed and a rudimentary mini golf course).
5. What do animals do at night at the zoo?
SK: They sleep.
SB: That was my answer, they sleep. I have two answers for that. They sleep and they talk to each other.
SK: They sleep and close their eyes, and then they kind of talk to each other a little bit.
6. How many monkeys should a zoo have?
SK: One, I mean forty.
SB: Like, three.
Our town was threatened by a blizzard that shut everything down. It wasn't as bad as predicted, but it did close down schools and universities for Friday. The winds were pretty bad. You can see the branches that blew on the roof. We also finally got enough snow to build a snow tunnel in our front yard. That hasn't happened in a couple of years.

Friday, the girls decided to put on a play of the Dragon and the Good Knight. They didn't have costumes, to they made some out of construction paper.

Note that Sydney's shield says "NO" to stop the dragon. Sydney's puppy is dressed in a blue dress to be the princess.
I spent the day working on the roman shade for Sarah's room. I'm about half way done (I decided to sew the stripes across rather than leaving it as a flat sheet of fabric so it's become harder. Thank goodness I do some quilting as it makes this process a little easier. Maybe I'll finish it before her grandparents come.
Tonight we have to go to ice show rehearsal. Wednesday night they had picture night. Rather than two individual pics, the photographer let me take one of the girls together. I wasn't thrilled with their facial expression, but they look so cute in their costumes. I'll post pics in a few weeks.
Tonight they start learning their routines.
Great answers -
#1 - 59; ya know after seeing that many different animals, the kids are tired anyway!
Like the snow pictures!
we played.
Love the answers! We finally played again! The home made outfits are the best! Way to go girls.
We call it "zoo" - how adorable!
Thanks for playing - I love seeing pictures of the girls!
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