Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I don't understand how some people can be so selfish and uncaring

I generally don't bitch about family in my blog - you never know when someone might find this by accident. But, in some cases, you just don't care. My extended family are FUCKED UP!!

My mom just told me that one of my grandmother's brothers (A) called her yesterday. A few weeks ago, one of my grandmother's sisters (S) passed away. My Grandmother and S used to hang out a lot after my grandfather passed away. In the past eight years or so, my grandmother hasn't been as mobile as she used to be and finally ended up in a retirement village (where her brothers and sisters no longer visit).

My grandmother was the oldest of 8 kids - not all are living, but a fair number all.

My godfather (F) was her youngest brother. Recently, my godfather has decided that my mother is evil and has forbidden his children from talking to our family (my sister and I included).

Recently, S's will was read. Her estate was divided evenly between all her siblings, one niece, and a neighbor - EXCEPT my Grandmother! The only other major person who was excluded was S's daughter who she was estranged from. The estate was tens of thousands of dollars per person. A did ask his siblings if they would all kick in part of their inheritance to give my grandmother a share. They all declined. At least A stood up and asked (but isn't planning to share unless everyone else does.) These are not poor people. Then again, maybe they are afraid that their kids won't help care for them and they better get all they can.

F had been very vocal to my mother that she needed to make sure my grandmother was taken care of. My cousin ripped my grandmother off, and so has my uncle - my grandmother is short money and could really use the help now. I can't believe after care taking her siblings for so long, and everyone proclaiming love of my grandfather that her siblings would be so greedy.

My mother thinks that F put pressure on S to cut my grandmother and her daughter out as he was concerned that if my grandmother died, money would go to my mother (and yes, he is that vindictive). F tried to convince S at one point that he should inherit her estate even though A was the one who has cared for S for the past 20 years. Thankfully she didn't listen to that, but I still can't believe that she cut my grandmother out.

S was one of those "out of sight, out of mind" people. I guess Grandma being so far away left her vulnerable. After all, she couldn't visit or anything without someone taking her (she's in her 90s).I'm so friggin angry. I'd almost be willing to pay my money to hire a lawyer to contest the will. It would be worth it to get my grandmother money that not only does she deserve, but needs.

Damn selfish bastards. (oh, and they are "very religious" - of the "I'm so good because I go to and serve the church.") F has said horrible things to my mother, has told lies to his family about things she's done, and I'm so glad my mother told me some of this years ago or else I would have wondered why my cousin stopped talking to me suddenly one day. I hope he rots in hell one day for the way he has acted in the past 10 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate to hear this... but it's all to real in todays world. It seems whenever someone passes away there is always some sort of drama surrounding it. I'm sorry for your Grandmother though.

I hate drama.