Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The longest week

This week is the final push before the dance recital on Fri/Sat.This year, we have a new owner for our local dance studio. She has had a really rough year. She bought the studio and moved to town to follow the guy - but, the relationship ended just as she moved to town.

She has a very different style than the last owner and has spent all year hearing "But Ms. L did it this way." So, this week we've seen the rehearsals for the show. We are performing Alice in Wonderland. It's amazing what she has accomplished.

So, my very lovely friend Ms. Amanda, let me recruit her into making two bunny hats. I finally finished adjusting the ears tonight. Another friend, bless her heart, volunteered to help and so she make the bunny tails.

I also fixed the caterpillar costume (but noticed one more dot that needed sealing and some wings that need wired glued one.

Now I just need to finish the work for tomorrow, get the girls and I to the dance practice, finish cleaning the house before my ILs come Friday, clean the fish tank (and fish out the dead one). . . etc, etc, etc.

To work now!

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