Saturday, July 07, 2007

Three down, two to go!

For some reason, I can't type a title, but it's two days early, but I'm just about three weeks down and have one to go before I lose this lovely cast! One week from tomorrow, the girls tear it off!! and I change to the walking boot.

Once I'm in the walking boot, I get to remove it for showers. Walking on crutches won't be so bad because I will be able to put my foot down. I just need to find a shoe for my right foot that will give me the right lift so I don't walk awkwardly. I only wear the boot for two weeks, then start to wean off the boot for the second two weeks. So, between six and eight weeks post surgery, I'll be in a brace and wearing TWO shoes.

I'm only taking pain meds when I'm feeling sore - and I've abandoned my spreadsheet that told me when I can take things.

This week I had to order more parts for my laptop. Back in April, my power cord broke and I needed a new one. HP had them on backorder, but I needed one before I went on travel so I bought an off brand one. Well, it failed this week - and it stopped charging my battery. I decided that would just buy a regular one and we assumed that my battery had lost it's ability to recharge so I bought a new battery. Well, the very nice kid who was taking my order at the "help" line couldn't figure out how to merge this into one order, so each of the three parts was ordered separately - and shipping paid separately. I calculated it the other day and I paid $40 more than if I'd ordered it online myself. So, HP is suppose to call me back to fix it. I debated about canceling the battery as the new power cord fixed the recharging issue (I thought it was strange that it worked one day and not the next), but my battery life is down to 4 hours and most of those on standby, so I could use a new one.

I saw the cutest thing in Better Homes and Gardens. You take bubble wrap and paint it a color and paint a number on it and use it for noisy hopscotch. Kelly, if Jenelle doesn't mind loud noise, she might find it fun.

I'm going to sign off and drink my coffee. I filled out a survey and received a free Senso machine. I need to play with it more because right now the coffee is too strong for me. I may try making an 8 oz coffee w/ one pod instead of two. Or, it may be that I make the 4 oz single cup and add 2 oz of hot water to make a slightly weaker 6 oz cup. If I can make a cup of coffee with one pod rather than two, it would be much cheaper. I may bring the new machine to work for coffee there.

Have a great day. We may try to go to the Strawberry Festival today. With my little handicap parking pass, they may even let us park inside (small town festival here!)

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