Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Yes, those jeans!

I don't tend to blog about my weight. It's been a source of frustration for me since I was a sophomore in high school. I was never the thinnest, but towards the end of my freshman year, I developed a compulsive eating disorder. On went 25 lbs and I went from being OK (in a world of size 2 Jordache jeans) to being the person my friends mom's would say "she has such a pretty face, if only she'd lose weight."

I was never so heavy, a size 14 - but in a size 2 world it's just a bit too much.

Two years ago, when I sprained my ankle (and as I learned last May also torn a tendon), my ability to do physical activity was dramatically curtailed. So, on went another 20 lbs. Over this past year, I've managed to drop those 20 and I'm back to fitting in my clothes again.

Today I decided to pull out my 'skinny' jeans to see how close I'm getting to fitting in them. These are the jeans I bought back when I was doing triathlons (and exercising 2 hours a day). Even with all that exercise, I was still just a tone 12, but I felt good. But, these are the jeans I have kept in the bottom of my drawer, the ones I've moved from house to house knowing someday . . .

Today, they button almost well enough to wear. They were pretty comfy, but the waist overhang is a little more than I would be comfortable with.

But, I could button them - pretty easily!! I didn't even have to resort to that 80s laying on the bed sucking everything in to button them move.

So, I'm sharing.

Can I also add that I hate diet commercials. The ones that make you feel so inadequate because you are comfortable being 40 and a size 14 - but unless you try nutrasystems to become a size 2 (or even a 8) you are just tooo heavy.

I wish we weren't so hard on each other. At 5'2" I really look pretty good as a size 14 (ok, I feel better in a 12, but in a 14 I feel just fine and happy!)


Melanie said...

Way to go :)

Me said...

I'm smiling for you!!!!!!!!!!

My skinny jeans are in the armoire but I'm afraid those days are long gone.

Kelly said...

Stay happy - don't give into the commercialism of weight! ;)

I'm proud of you for talking about it.