Friday, September 19, 2008

Waiting. . . or why I want to be a fly on the wall

At the girls school last year, they started handing out orange tickets to the kids. You were given a orange ticket when the staff or teachers catch a student doing something good, helpful, etc. These tickets are issued to the students (name written on the ticket), by a teacher (name), and signed by a parent so the parent knows what good they were doing.

These tickets are placed in a bin by grade and each week they draw one ticket per grade and the child gets a prize from the school store.

The other night at dinner, DH was speculating what would happen if the girls gave tickets to the teachers and staff. Sydney was on board immediately, Sarah took some warming to the idea. She is always concerned about breaking rules (real or perceived).

So, last night while I was teaching class, DH and the girls made purple tickets. After some discussion, it was decided the tickets would be issued to teachers (name written on ticket) and signed by the principal (after all, if the parents learn what good the students did, the principal should learn the good the teachers did). The teachers are to return the tickets to Sarah and Sydney and each week they will draw a ticket and award a pencil from our vast collection of pencils.

I want to be a fly on the wall, I can't wait to pick the girls from school and see what they did and what people thought.

Sarah was so excited she couldn't sleep! I hope the teachers had fun with my girls today.


Fantastagirl said...

How did it go? I think is an awesome idea. As parents and students in our district we can award FISH to the teacher who demonstrates the FISH philosophy to the students. And then they are awarded something special for their classrooms.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, sounds like a great idea. Results?