Saturday, December 09, 2006

Nature's Gift

This morning I looked out my living room window and saw the start of an amazing sunrise. Over about 10 minutes I took several pictures. This one is the best. I really loved the effect.

It's currently the end of the semester and I'm busy trying to finish all my grading. Thankfully, we finished our presentations early and so we don't need to have class on Tuesday (the students decided to stay a little late on Thurs so we can finish everything we need. I hate grading. In the past, I've allowed the students to re-write all of their papers. I've decided that I'm only going to allow the first 2 papers to be re-written. By the third paper they should have some idea of what is needed. The papers are much better, but most people lost a grade because they weren't long enough. It's really hard to adequately address the requirement of the paper when it's not the right length.

I think I'll miss teaching in the spring, but I'm also looking forward to getting some other stuff done. I'd like to start doing some independent research, but I think I'll take the spring off to finish projects around the house that have been left incomplete for the past 2 years while I adjusted to working and teaching. I really, really want our house to look finished. We have some rooms that need painting

We are going to go see Santa today. Everyone have a nice day.

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