Friday, September 08, 2006

Two versions of the same story

Sarah (6.5) and Sydney (3.5) have an imaginary friend named Shali. It started when one or the other of them would pretend to be Shali, but eventually she became the third person in the game. I finally decided that I was curious about what Shali looked like to each of them. Here are their answers:

Sydney's version:
DSIJHS and Elainie name is the same as Shali name - DSIJHS
Me: But what does Shali look like?
She's a baby and she's 1.5 years old. And Elanie is 5 y.o.
Me: Are they tall or short?
Both of them are a baby and both of them are shorter than me.
Me: What color eyes do they have?
They both have the same eyes and both of their eyes are green.
Me: What color hair do they have?
They both have the same color hair. It's green too - green hair.
Then Sydney gets her ruffy. (toy husky puppy) Now I'm going to talk about this baby Shali. His eyes are blue, his hair is green and he's a boy and he's one year old. And that all.

Sarah's version
Sydney can tell you that, but I have the idea.
Wait, maybe I can.
Shali looks like, she has brown hair. Her parents named her Shali because she loved shells and the shore. And she has light skin.
Me: What color eyes does she have?
Me: Is she taller or shorter than you?
We're the same.
Me: How old is Shali?
She's almost 7.

Update on me. Breathing is hard still, so my Dr. is calling in a script for a nebulizer.

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