Thursday, September 21, 2006

When your friends hijack your life.

Over labor day weekend, I got really sick. The dr. suspected pneumonia but my chest x-ray was clear. Some of you may remember this. I ended up seeing the Dr. I don't trust, so I wasn't completely comfortable.

I spent a week home, then went back to work. But, my breathing hasn't improved. MY dr. threw everything she knew, but my breathing still hasn't improved. DH got sick over the weekend. Tuesday, I had a followup appointment which took me 4 days to get. I almost canceled it and sent DH in my stead, but decided I needed to be seen. So, I went in with Sydney (3).

Sydney brought in her puppy and blankie in case I got scared and held my hand while I got a shot. My dr. still heard strange breathing sounds and ordered a CT scan. Still waiting results. DH went to the dr. yesterday. He now has pneumonia.

Unfortunately sleep is a bit elusive right now and we had a big meeting/banquet yesterday. I busted butt and really was sick yesterday. I'm skipping today's meeting except to set up coffee and get the kids to school.

The nurse called a little bit ago and my CT scan confirms that I do have pneumonia.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

yikes. I can't believe you had to get a CT scan to confirm it. weird. would've thought the doc would have just treated prophylactically. hope you and hubby get better soon!