Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday Six - Thanksgiving

"Sunday Six!" is a game where Kelly asks us to have six questions answered. Remember, the idea is to post answers to the following six question, but the trick is to get your kids to answer them! If you don't have kids, use your imagination... Your pet, your neighbor, your elderly family member, your roommate, etc. Did you play? Let me and Kelly know so we can visit you. Today I was able to ask Sarah (SB - age 6) and Sydney (SK - age 3) the questions.

1. Do you like to eat Turkey?

SK: Uh uh - NO, No I don't mama.

SB: No way.

2. Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving?

SK: I don't know.

SB: Because the pilgrims came across the Atlantic Ocean from England and they found land and they called it Plymouth and most didn't live through winter and when spring came they planted food and the indians taught them lots of stuff. And when summer came they picked a lot of food for the long winter. In fall, they had a feast with the Indians. The reason I got all this information is because Mrs. Petersen (her 1st grade teacher) read this book to us and we learned what they did when they didn't have any food our houses.

3. What other foods do you eat at Thanksgiving?

SK: I don't know.

SB: What do we eat mommy? (mom: well, traditionally we eat turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls, cranberry sauce, green beans and pumpkin pie.)

4. Which would you rather be, a pilgrim or an Indian? (why?)

SK: I don't know.

SB: Pilgrim, actually I'd rather be an Indian. Because they taught the pilgrim's stuff.

5. Where do you celebrate Thanksgiving?

SK: At houseys

SB: At our house.

6. Do you have a special tradition for Thanksgiving, if so, what is it?

SK: Uh uh.

SB: I don't know.

Mom: Actually we do have one special tradition - for breakfast we have Chex mix while watching the parade.

SB: Oh yea, I like the parade. You usually take your TV from your room and put it in the kitchen and then we can watch the parade while in the kitchen.


I'm a bit bummed. Yesterday I got a letter in the mail that I didn't get the job I applied for. I can handle not getting the job, but I thought for sure I'd make it to the 2nd round. After all, this is essentially taking 1/2 my current tasks and performing them on a larger scale. I know I'm qualified. UGH.

I had some neat sucesses with students in my class, but I'll write about them later.


MommyOutOfControl said...

Wow, Mrs. Peterson is suring making a great impression on at least one student! Way to go...we played too.

Fantastagirl said...

Wow - I want to be in Mrs. Peterson's Class.

Sorry about the letter in the mail - would be very frustrating.

Bluepaintred said...

Loved the sunday Six! We played too!

KC said...

sorry about the job.. great sunday six though.. man reading your answers it hit me I forgot about stuffing. and the parade..

We played also