Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday Six - Valentines

"Sunday Six!" is a game where Kelly asks us to have six questions answered. Remember, the idea is to post answers to the following six question, but the trick is to get your kids to answer them! If you don't have kids, use your imagination... Your pet, your neighbor, your elderly family member, your roommate, etc. Did you play? Let me and Kelly know so we can visit you. Today I was able to ask Sarah (SB - age 6) and Sydney (SK - age 3) the questions.

This week's answers for SUNDAY SIX! The theme this week - Kid Love!

1. What is love?

SK: Love means it's Valentine's day, right mom?

SB: Love is when you love somebody and it means you really like them alot.

2. Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day?

SK: So we know we love people.

SB: Because we celebrate love.

3. How do we celebrate Valentine's Day?

SK: I already said that.

SB: We just love each other

SK: We just love each other

SB: Hey, that's my idea.

4. What are Valentines?

SK: They are cards that say "I love you"

SB: What Sydney said.

5. How many Valentines can you have at one time?

SK: Forty.

SB: 500 Million, but I don't know that many people.

6. Who do you love?

SK: I love Gretchen and Neil.

SB: Nicholas.

SK: And I love Nicholas.


Conversations heard this morning. As a little background - last night Sarah wasn't listening and was sent to bed with no shows or brownies. When I woke this am, it was to the girls talking in the bathroom:

Sarah: Sydney, how were the brownies?

Sydney: I don't know.

Sarah: Did you have one?

Sydney: Mommy forgot to give me one.

Sarah: Good, that means we will still have the same amount.

I paraphrased Sydney's words because I couldn't completely hear them. I took her 3 sentences to say what I paraphrased into one).


Fantastagirl said...

LOL - 500 Million...

"We still have the same amount" sounds like a conversation that would happen in our house!

Tink's sunday six is up!

and the other comment did not post.

Kami said...

500 million! Good grief!

KC said...

LOL I want 500 million
Great sunday six.

Anonymous said...

Now that was funny! I can just see those answers happening, lol

Kelly said...

And I thought 90 was a lot! LOL OK, who's Nicholas? LOL