Tuesday, February 06, 2007

When everything falls out of place

A friend needed me to be on call to watch her kids today because she may have jury duty. I moved my Dr. appointment, called Sydney out of daycare to make the trip to preschool easier, and geared up for a fun day with kids.

Well, jury duty was cancelled. Not a probem, we'll go play anyway.

Then, found out a pipe had burst at preschool and the carpet wasn't dry yet. Great for my friend, her daughter woke up early and would really need a nap to avoid an afternoon meltdown.

The, I get a call from my PT, they had a cancellation and wondered if I could come in in an hour. Call to see if Syd can stay with my friend while I go see the PT (YIPPEE, I don't have to wait another week). She can.

Best yet, my winter legs don't grow hair as quickly and they are fairly smooth!

I love it when everything seems to fall back into place after it falls out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you change your blog? You leg comment cracked me up! Hope you are doing well.