Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sometimes it all falls into place

Tonight, I sat down before jamie time to set my laptop up. Not sure why, but it turns out that my power cord wasn't in my bag.

I dashed back to campus as I knew the power cord was either in my office or one of two conference rooms. I have keys to two of the three rooms, so getting in before everyone who has a key to door number three goes home. So, I dash, check office, check conference room, check office, drive to next building. On the elevator, success - a person with key to door number three.

I check, not there, I check one last time and sitting in the chair next to where I was sitting - a POWER CORD!!

I think I need to put my name and phone number on the cord. As a result, I can now tell you about the other "I couldn't set this up if I tried" that happened today.

I was in a meeting earlier today. My boss was commenting that I shouldn't be spending my time updating our website (I dinker with it but we are hiring a student to do the major overhaul). I spend so much time pushing papers and investing time that the powers that be decide are not needed it's nice to do something that will not be rejected. Also, I need the skills. Last year I lost out on a job because I didn't have the skills to update websites. The reality is that it would take me a few minutes to figure it out (and that has been the reality) but I couldn't convince the committee that was the case - so I want to have this skill on my resume.

So, as we were walking off the elevator for the next meeting, the website guru who is our site's webmaster walked by and complimented me on job I've done on the website - in front of my boss!!!

Some days it falls into place.

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