Sunday, February 24, 2008

OH, and few stories from the week

On Saturday, while we were working on the frozen car, the girls got a bit bored and started playing with the hose while I worked. I didn't want to leave as I had ended up in a peaceful zone and didn't want to leave it.

As I was working, I suddenly heard Sydney say to Sarah "Let's play How It's Made and learn how to make mud. (How it's made is this really cool show where they show you, step-by-step, how different things are made. Then I hear "Let's play Dirty Jobs now.

On Sunday night, we had ice skating. Sarah has been working very hard this session and finally passed "Basic 3." It has taken her three sessions, but the first one really didn't count and the second one I couldn't convince her to practice with me. I've passed through Basic 4 when I was taking lessons about 10 years ago. I might have to start lessons again so I can keep up with Sarah's skills. Sydney wasn't happy that she didn't pass. She wasn't at all comforted by the fact that she passed Sam 1 and 2 in August and that her skating really improved this session. I know she'll pass in August.

One night, I was in the living room after the girls had gone to bed. DH came in and said "I just walked past the bathroom and Sarah was sitting on the toilet reading a book. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was going to the bathroom."

What Sarah didn't realize was that it's hard to convince us that she is going to the bathroom as opposed to trying to stay awake longer reading when she doesn't take her one piece jammies down. Yep, her footie jammies were still zipped up!


Fantastagirl said...

I'm thinking the "how it's made and dirty jobs" games have been played here as well - it's just usually in the summer!

LOL at Sarah (reading late) that is too cute!

Unknown said...

Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!! Love the jammie thing!

She had the main idea but left out the key detail of making the story work!!

Me said...

LOL about the jammies... I really hope she didn't end up going for real! LOL.

Kim said...

that is so cute!
i love they wanted to play dirty jobs! i would too if mike rowe was around! :)