Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's looking good in here

I keep seeing things improve, but so much to do yet!

The dining room ceiling is painted (but needs a few spots touched up), the walls are now green. In about an hour, the last door and drawer will be str!ipped of paint.

We need to go to church so we can dropped off cookies. My goal today is to get enough of the built in painted so I can put the shelves back up.

I also need to paint the trim in the entryway and dining room - but that might take until Tuesday. I need to prime the doors and drawers so I can paint them too.

Friday I hope to sew the curtains.

Tuesday the electrician is coming to put up the light fixtures. I can't wait!!

For as much as I have done, I keep thinking there is so much to go.

Plus, work is out of control, and I've been working on stuff for work too.

We did find time for fun yesterday. We took the girls to the school carnival for a while, and I ran to the store for groceries and supplies.

I also made a really nice beef stew. I'll post the recipe later.

1 comment:

Me said...

As busy as people seem to think I am I have to admit that reading about all your painting makes me feel like a schmuck! LOL. I need (NEED) to repaint all the walls here since construction used crappy paint and the walls are easily marked and non-washable. But the paint I got to spot paint didn't match EXACTLY so the spots are all a hair darker. Sigh. Such a major job and I keep putting it off but you may inspire me to get it done....

(but not till after prom is over for sure!)