Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Yes, it's really a job title

Was watching ESPN. They were interviewing someone from about a baseball player's injury.

Person's job title was: "Fantasy Injury Expert"

Why would you need an expert on fantasy injuries. And why would you want to interview an expert in fantasy injury about a real injury.

(ok, I realize that the persons job is probably tracking injuries for the fantasy baseball league, but it does make for an interesting train of thought.)


Me said...


OK - isn't the fantasy football and baseball leagues all uh, fantasy? So why do they need to pay someone to be an expert on that?

... and more importantly, I wonder how much they make!

Me said...

OK - I checked and all I found was this;

hope that works - it's a long link.

Basically it was an interview and you could ask her anything you want but NO ONE ASKED HER HOW MUCH SHE MADE!

Bah ha ha. I would have. :)