Thursday, October 02, 2008

Class discussion

Tonight in class, we were discussing the movie "An American President."

One of the questions we debated was if the President of the United States has a expectation that his or her private life are not the business of the American people.

In the movie, the approval rating of the president was dropping as he started dating a woman who he had a sexual relationship but wasn't married to.

Should we have to know everything about a president? Is there an expectation that all aspects of a president's life would affect his or her ability to run the country. Does the president have a responsibility to disclose all aspects of their life to the American public?

What do you think?

I'm sorry, does anyone really believe that governmental reforms are coming?

Can anyone tell me what the conflict is in Afghanistan? I really don't understand what the goal is. In Iraq I know that the 'war' (and I put that in quotes because our military action hasn't been acted on by congress except for them to give away the checks and balances outlined in the constitution) will end when the Iraqi government can rule by themselves. But what is the goal in Afghanistan? Why are we there?

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