Saturday, October 04, 2008

Lots to say. . .

I'll have to write more later because I need to tell you all about our new kitties.



I have to tell you

that on the last game of the season,

that after playing soccer for 5 years,

Sarah scored her first goal ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I even managed a picture of it (yes Melanie, I'll send it to you after it is developed.)

Then, her coach, know hard she has worked for this, had the team carry her off the field. I missed that picture.

I'm so, so very proud of her.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Tell our girl congratulations. And check with all the other soccer moms to see if they got a pictuer of her being carried off the field. I'm sure some of them are scrappers and took tons of photos. Can't wait to meet the kitties.