Wednesday, January 31, 2007

So, about 15 mos ago I sprained my ankle. It was pretty bad and I couldn't stand on the balls of my foot between Nov and March.

So, the other day I opened my treadmill. I really want to become more active. After 10 minutes I had to stop. My ankle just hurt too much. It's not stopped.

I ran into my doctor tonight and broke my cardnial rule - I asked her medical opinion outside of her office. I asked her what I should do now. She was a bit surprised that its still hurting.

She thought I should try PT for a few weeks or so and then, if need be, go see her favorite orthopeadic surgeon who does feet/ankles. Of course, he lives 10 hours away.

I will probably make an appointment to meet with our radiologist to see if there is something else we can check from here - some view we've not look at.

I know from talking to his wife that he had a foot injury that he had to live with for years until a Dr. finally looked at one further slice of the radiology records. So, I know that he will take my request seriously.

All I know is that I'm so very tired of my life being adversly impacted by a simple ankle sprain.

1 comment:

Fantastagirl said...

I hope you get this looked at - I used to work for a PT...and could rattle off the list of exercises he would tell you to do (after he examined you of course) but since I can't see it - I'm gonna go with ice it - and perhaps you need to wear an lace up support of some sort when exercising.