Thursday, November 15, 2007

In the wee hours of the morning. . . .

I've not been sleeping well, so I've been tired (you know, the wake in the middle of the night unable to get back to sleep so you have two choices - either get up and start working on your papers at 3:00 AM or dump the idea of getting up at 5:00 to spend an hour or two before the kiddies wake up and you have to get everyone out the door for school/work.

So, last night hit crunch time. I promised my students they could pick up their papers from my office starting today.

3:30 - I'll just finish this one more.

4:00 - this one isn't too bad, I'll finish up this one.

4:30 - OK, I"m down to the ones I've read but I'm not sure how to grade - I'll do it tomorrow. I need at least a little bit of sleep.

Bless his heart, DH let me sleep and got the kids ready and to school himself. I did end up waking up a bit before I wanted as I needed to yell out things like "pack her snack from the stuff on the counter" and "her boots are at school." and "No, I'm not packing your lunch today (thank goodness it was food she would eat). But, I'm functioning.

We worked late the last two classes, so I don't have to teach tonight. Thank goodness because the house needs my help too!

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