Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Yesterday's accomplishment

The fridge is clean and the T-day groceries are bought. I dumped the science projects and DH cleaned the containers. We are ready!! (I usually try to clean the fridge out every Tuesday, night before trash day) but class has interfered with my plans of late).

I also cleaned Sarah's bedroom. I mainly put everything in a place (i.e., where it belongs) and you can actually see the surfaces of the furniture that DH made for Sarah. I still need to clean off the top of her book case, but it's pretty much done.

Funny thing, she got home from school and didn't say anything about her room until I finally asked her. LOL. Now I have to do Sydney's room too (not fair for Syd to have to clean her room if Sarah didn't have to - and it's all about fairness when you are little!)I'll keep posting pictures as the house gets cleaned.

1 comment:

Fantastagirl said...

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

If you want to continue with this fairness thing I'm more than willing to let you come and clean tinks room.... just kidding - the room looks great!