Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Stupid Snow Day

My to-do list:

Review 6 chapters of my text for tonight and create some discussion questions.
Maybe finish grading re-writes from the first paper.
Take Sarah to the Dr. to see why her ear and throat hurt and why the low grade fever showed up.

And, instead of doing this in the silence of my house, I get to do this while trying to keep two kids from driving me insane. It doesn't matter which room I move to to get my work done, they will follow me!

I've been looking forward to a day without kids for over a week. Last week, Sydney was home sick, then schools closed for Thanksgiving - I wanted a day off!! ALONE!! To finish my school work. and clean my house.

The worst part is that the snow didn't even cover the grass and we probably closed schools for the wind.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Listen to you! Complaining about wimpy snow! ;)