Monday, December 22, 2008

Chance meeting

Friday, I decided to stop in to our local bakery to pick up a bagel (they only have them on Friday's). I was chatting with my friend who works at the bakery and commented how much I had to do and how hard it was going to be to get everything done with the girls home.

She mentioned that she was having set of sisters babysit on Monday and did I want to drop the girls off? um YES!

After confirming that the sisters were ok with 4 kids rather than 2 (I think the double money was appealing!), we discussed that their only request was that we provide food that was ready made.

This morning, I slept in some (graded until 1:00 am) and then started grading while directing the girls to get ready. I asked Sydney if she thought she could make her lunch.

She gathered everything and YEP! she assembled a pretty good lunch all by herself. Sarah also made her lunch and I didn't have to!

Yea to growing girls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been a bad blogger I know. Im alive and doing well. Kids are growing big and keeping us busy. Thanks for Hanukkah wishes. Its 8 days so you are covered. I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy 2009 to you and your family. Send me your email so I can send you some pics of my monsters. Thanks for keeping in touch. Cheers.