Sunday, December 21, 2008


My daughter's cat is very attached to me and loves to wake me up as soon as she wakes - at 4:00 AM. If I don't wake up then, we move on to 4:30, 5:00, 6:00 etc. I'm pretty tired from the not sleeping part.

A friend of mine suggested locking the cats in the basement when they wake so I can sleep (our room gets too cold if we close our bedroom door).

This morning I woke up at 4:15 when the kitty came to see me, and then at 6:45 when my daughter did. I was so impressed that Spots didn't bother me all morning.

I couldn't fall back to sleep because DD was being a little too noisy, so I got up. I could hear the kitties meowing and wondered why they weren't coming to see us.

Yep, they were in the basement.

My wonderful husband had locked them in the basement so I could sleep.

I love that man!


Melanie said...

Welcome to my life - except for the kid part. As the kitties get older they will sleep longer. We usually have to get up and let Fred out at some point and then Riley gets hungry about 7:30 if it's a sleeping in day.

Fantastagirl said...

LOL - locking the kitties in the basement now that is a great answer!