Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Things to do today

To Do List:

1. Finish Christmas cards.
2. Clean main bathroom.
3. Clean all piles of paper in dining room.
4. Pay bills.
5. Take return box and christmas cards to post office.
6. See if I can download checking statements into Money online.
7. Sign up for bill-pay at bank.
8. Put away laundry.
9. Get last few things from grocery store.
grannila bars
index cards
10. Clean fridge (trash day is tomorrow).
11. Create 7 unique things about me that Kelly tagged me with.

I think that might be enough for today.

I just watched the meter reader walking past the front window. We have enough snow now that she needed ski poles to help keep her stable in the snow. I guess it's a little too much work to put snow shoes on and off at each house.

Later I'll post the accomplished list. But first I'm going to finish my cup of coffee and have some breakfast.

Oh, and as I was faliing asleep last night, I had a brainstorm of how to make learning subtraction facts fun for her. I've been stuggling with this since she has to be able to pass a time test and that means she has to be able to recognize the visual problems.

Anyway, she loves to play memory. I decided I could write the problems on index cards and she can make matches when the answer is the same. She has to be able to calculate two problems in order to determine if she has a match. I think she will really enjoy it. She's been asking for a fun way to learn subtraction. I really want her to pass the subtraction time test. She never quite managed the in-class one (she could do it at home when we were sitting next to her to re-focus her when she would start to stare at her pencil), but I think she needs the success for her ego.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hurry up with those cards... I need to "close out" my holiday photo album! ;)