Friday, June 20, 2008

The gift, the power, the reminder (oh and the kids)

The gift: The other day, I was commenting about something from work that had frustrated me. My very sweet husband reminded me that I could walk away from this job any time I wanted. I don't have to work, I can do what I want.

The power: It's nice being in a position that I can do what I want. I can just decide to teach my one course a semester, I can work only on the grant that we were just awarded, I can keep working in my current capacity. I have the power to walk away whenever I want!

The reminder: Yesterday I had my first meeting with the faculty members of the new grant. We were going to discuss the database I was setting up for them. I spent about an hour the night before looking over the proposal and setting up fields to collect all the information that was necessary. We only could manage 1/2 meeting, so I knew we needed to start with something to modify rather than from scratch.

We had a lovely meeting where we discussed things that needed to be modified, changed, or deleted. All of them were necessary changes and not just change for change sake. J commented how thrilled she was with the work I had done and how surprised she was that I came in with a solid product. She was expecting that we would talk about what was needed, not modify something that was already started.

What a interesting reminder of how it is be to treated like a professional!

The bonus (I mean the girls): Yesterday was haircut day. Sarah has wanted her hair cut short for MONTHS. We told her that we need to wait until dance show because I wasn't doing a ballet bun with short hair. Then, she was planning to try to grow it long enough to donate. She finally decided she couldn't take it anymore and low and behold she wanted it short enough that we could just eek out 9 inches which one group will accept for donation. I'll post pics after I take them.

(and the weird): When we got the stove, I had cut the box open with a razor blade, which I promptly lost. I was stripping the wax off the floor, so the kitchen was torn apart and I never found it. I finally decided that I must have dropped it into the empty box and didn't think about it until last night when DH walked into the kitchen and called to me (I was in the living room) asking if I wanted to leave the razor blade on the kitchen floor [yea, that was my plan - rolls eyes]. I didn't see it there 1/2 hour earlier! Really weird.

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