Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Missing Motivation

My job is driving me crazy. I'm very tired of it. I do feel like I can talk about it here. But, it basically boils down to a lack of respect and constantly doing the same tasks over again if the answer is not what was wanted.

There is a full time job that is right up my alley - and at the level I should be working. For once I would not be under-employed. But, it's full time. I'd have to give up my 20 hours and work full time for an unknown person (new dean has been hired, but not started but people seem to think he's an OK person). I've been staring at my application for two weeks, but can't get motivated to finish it.

So, keep the hours I like but a situation I don't or full time for a job I think I would like.



Melanie said...

Finsih the application and get it sent. You'll be happier - and richer - in the long run.

Me said...

Oh no... I feel for you! Reading this post instantly brought me backwards to one of my jobs and the feelings it ensued.

I'm closing my eyes and sending you positive thoughts because I don't know what the 'good' answer is... I can only support you and your decisions. :)