Saturday, June 28, 2008

She's too smart for our own good

Our house is on a main highway into town, meaning our driveway is off the highway. The speed limit in front of our house is 45 mph. A while ago, probably within the past year, the girls and I were talking about kitties and that the reason we didn't have one was because I thought we needed indoor kitties with the traffic in front of the house, but that DH didn't want indoor kitties because he thought that indoor kitties were schizophrenic.

So, last night DH was asking if our friend's DD was going to get a new kitty. There kitty was killed earlier in the week. I said that I thought they were, but not for a few weeks. Sydney looked at DH and said "I think we should get an indoor kitty."

It doesn't matter how long ago I said something, Sydney files it away for later use. Note, she didn't just ask for a kitty, but the indoor one!

Last night Sarah had baseball. Wednesday night they were playing in the playoffs and after a little over an inning, a nice bolt of lightning flashed ending the game for the night. Last night we were to finish. At starting time, it was raining pretty good but since this was the playoffs, they decided we should play. Thankfully, the rain stopped just as the game began and didn't start again until the game ended. Unfortunately, almost all of the other team showed up and only 5 of our team. So, it was 5 players - 8 players for a while. As a result, we didn't have as much of the field covered. They only batted as many players as we had, but had better field coverage. Eventually, a 6th player showed for us, which helped, but the damage was already done. They had 2 innings of batting right at the grass line and without outfield players, the infield just couldn't manage to stop them.

So, for the playoffs we've pulled bad luck and will be playing this morning for last place honors!

The first game, they had the bad luck to draw the best team (purple) in the league. They will win the title today as one of the three strongest teams. The three strongest teams in the league were the purple team, the red team, and the light blue team. The light blue team played us last night in the loser bracket, and the purple and red played last night, so the "championship" game will be played by the best team and one of the other five teams. We are a pretty good team, but we still lost the first round to the purple team 23 - 6. For reasons that escape me, they didn't call the game on the mercy rule.

If I sound bitter, it's because I am. The coach of the purple team is also the board president. His team was made up of older 8 y.o. to older 7 y.o. (In this league, you have to be 7 or 8 on May 1st to play). He didn't have a single younger player. I wondered how he managed to pull a team of older players, but then I found out that he claimed 5 assistants meaning that of the 9 players on the team, he pre-selected 6 kids (his plus 5 assistants' kids). So, in the 'general' draft, he only had to select 3 kids. Many of the coaches only pre-selected their own kid because they didn't manage to find an assistant.

I'm seriously thinking about contacting the district to review our rules. There were many other things that occurred, but this is the one I can actually manage to change. I can see "freezing" two kids - coach and one assistant - but MOST of the team? Just unfair.

On the other hand, we've been able to help Sarah with playing our best even when things aren't fair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so understand about the ball stuff. We have the same think with our commissioners always winning first.
