Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Is it that people don't comprehend.

First, let me start by saying that I have not watched ER this season.

This season, ER finally wrote about my experience - a Post Partum Hemorrhage requiring a hysterectomy that occurred in a hospital. I will admit, I have never had a premature baby, but I do know what it is like to have the best day of your life also be one of your scariest.

I will admit that I won't watch ER until I know that they have not glossed over Abby's story. Then I'll watch it in re-runs.

But, if the discussion groups for ER are any indication - they might only gloss over it. It seems that the general public is much more concerned about how ER will handle the baby. It's not surprising as ER storylines are not always kind to babies.

Some have mentioned Luka's pain as he wondered if Abby or the baby would die. My husband lived this.

But, Abby's ordeal was barely mentioned, if at all, in these online discussions. Was this that the general public believes is so far fetched? Do they think its so rare unlike trauma to babies?

Post Partum Hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal mortality. It's low - probably in the range of 1% of 1,000 births for the U.S. (I can't find exact statistics) - but world wide - PPH is the cause of death in 25% of maternal mortality. In Africa - once women arrive at a hospital - sometimes taking a day to travel to - Doctor's won't operate until the bill is paid in advance or won't risk using limited blood products for a woman who may die anyway.

Most women don't even seem to know that PPH is a risk, even though it's the greatest risk to the mother. Most know about preclamsia as a risk, but don't realize that PPH is. In one study, of the 11 PPH/hysterectomy cases - 8 were from c-section births and 3 from vaginal.

So, for those of you who have kids - did you ever know that PPH could be a risk? Does anyone have an idea why the viewers of ER don't seem to connect with Abby's ordeal beyond the stress of a premature baby?


Kelly said...

I haven't been watching, but my guess is that they will deal with Abby's emotions later. Sorta like when it finally hits her. I think you went through a bit of that a few weeks down the road! HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Having a medical family, yes we are aware of PPH.

Anonymous said...

When you refer to 'glossing over' do you mean the almost dying part or the dealing with the post- hysterectomy part?
I've watched the first two episodes. I think they've dealt with both pretty well, so far. Of course, I haven't personally been in either situation. And being that the baby in fact almost died, that was another big part of it. It's still early.