Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sunday Six - Falling

"Sunday Six!" is a game where Kelly asks us to have six questions answered. Remember, the idea is to post answers to the following six question, but the trick is to get your kids to answer them! If you don't have kids, use your imagination... Your pet, your neighbor, your elderly family member, your roommate, etc. Did you play? Let me and Kelly know so we can visit you. Today I was able to ask Sarah (SB - age 6) the questions. Sydney might answer later.

1. What is Fall?
SK: I don't want to do this (as she curls up on her chair).

SB: It the season where all the leaves fall off the tree before winter comes and all the leaves pile up on the snow.

2. Why do leaves change color?

SB: So that way they can fall off of the tree.

3. What colors remind you of Fall?

SB: Red hearts, yellow sun, green grass, the brown horses (?HUH?)

4. Why do we call it Fall?

SB: Because all the leaves fall from the trees.

5. What is your favorite thing about Fall?

SB: You get to jump in piles of leaves.

6. What is the weather like where you live during Fall?

SB: It sometimes cold and you have to wear jackets and sweatshirts.


Anonymous said...

I love SK's answers! lol

We played finally!

Fantastagirl said...

Great answers - Tink's are up - Pan didn't want to play

MommyOutOfControl said...

Love it! Sydney isn't feeling fall yet...she'll come around! ;-)
We played too.

KC said...

Great Sunday six. Sweet Pea played this week, I was too busy yesterday to bug with Princess or Mr Man.

Kelly said...

Green Grass and Brown Horses and Red Hearts! Sure - why not!! :)

So, Sydney took cues from Jack this week!