Wednesday, May 03, 2006

And the tide changes

While driving to work today, I heard that schools were starting to take out sugary drinks out of school.

Interestingly, Kelly noticed an influx of diet soda's at her office this week.

It seems that all elementary schools and middle schools will only stock drink machines with water and healthier juices (8 oz for elementary and 10 oz for middle school). High Schools will stock water, sports drinks, diet sodas and healthier juices (12 oz) But, if you want a regular Coke or Pepsi you either have to bring your own or wait until you head home.

I remember arriving at high school and being able to grab something to drink whenever I wanted. It was liberating to have such control over my life.

But, I'm not sure that replacing sugar with sugar substitutes is necessarily heathier. True, I've chosen to drink diet drinks for most of my life - but it's been my choice. I work hard to limit my exposure to them and my children. I agree for diabetics, they are a godsend.

Maybe the availablility of healthy alternatives coupled with portion control will help students lead a heathier lifestyle.

After all, does a student really need a 20 oz bottle of soda when a 12 oz would be adequate?

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