1. What is Fall?
SK: I don't want to do this (as she curls up on her chair).
SB: It the season where all the leaves fall off the tree before winter comes and all the leaves pile up on the snow.
2. Why do leaves change color?
SB: So that way they can fall off of the tree.
3. What colors remind you of Fall?
SB: Red hearts, yellow sun, green grass, the brown horses (?HUH?)
4. Why do we call it Fall?
SB: Because all the leaves fall from the trees.
5. What is your favorite thing about Fall?
SB: You get to jump in piles of leaves.
6. What is the weather like where you live during Fall?
SB: It sometimes cold and you have to wear jackets and sweatshirts.
I love SK's answers! lol
We played finally!
Great answers - Tink's are up - Pan didn't want to play
Love it! Sydney isn't feeling fall yet...she'll come around! ;-)
We played too.
Great Sunday six. Sweet Pea played this week, I was too busy yesterday to bug with Princess or Mr Man.
Green Grass and Brown Horses and Red Hearts! Sure - why not!! :)
So, Sydney took cues from Jack this week!
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