Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Every morning, I drive my 3 y.o. to daycare on my way to school. While driving this morning, I was thinking about various conversations I had with students after class last night. I was trying to decide what I should email them, what was the best way to handle some things.

Teaching is hard sometimes. Much like parenting. You don't want to crush the spirit of the kids, but you want to make sure they have the skills necessary to succeed in their college careers.

So, as I contemplated how to encourage a student who is having a hard time with composition and another who is struggling with a paper topic - I hear from the back seat "Dance with me mommy!" So, Sydney and I do what we do best - we car dance to kids songs. After that, what I was going to email didn't seem so important. I'd solve it when it got to school.

For the next 5 minutes, I only worried about dancing with my 3 y.o.


Me said...

I think I need a three year old right to make me dance... so I can stop thinking about the emails I have to write and deal with when I get to work too. ;)

Timestep said...

Well, I won't loan mine out, but I can send you are recording to remind you!

Anonymous said...

We are beyond the dancing stage and are at the "turn it louder daddy" stage!

Timestep said...

You are probably past the "London Bridge" and "Hokey Pokey" stage also! LOL

Kelly said...

Adorable! I can't believe she is getting so big!