Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sunday Six - school

"Sunday Six!" is a game where Kelly asks us to have six questions answered. Remember, the idea is to post answers to the following six question, but the trick is to get your kids to answer them! If you don't have kids, use your imagination... Your pet, your neighbor, your elderly family member, your roommate, etc. Did you play? Let me and Kelly know.

Today I was able to ask Sarah (SB - age 6) and Sydney (SK - age 3) the Sunday 6. Smart assed husband wanted to answer to so he is JH. I asked Sydney first so she was not influenced by her big sister's answers. Here they are:

This Week's Sunday Six:

1. Why do we go to school?

SK: Cause our friends are waiting for us.

SB: To learn

JH: Becuase the law mandates that we do.

2. What is your favorite subject in school?

SK: Playing with Trains

SB: Recess

JH: Non equalillibruim multi-phased thermodynamics

3. How do we learn new things?

SK: Do trains, I guess

SB: By listening to your teacher

JH: We read books

4. Do you (or do you think you will) like your teacher?

SK: Yes.

SB: Yes

JH: No (I don't have a teacher though)

5. How do you get to school?

SK: Find the way.

SB: By car

JH: I drive myself in the little blue car

6. What does it mean to make straight A's?

SK: You only get one, I guess

SB: Listen.

JH: You have no other life.

Did you play? Let me and Kelly know.


Kelly said...

Love JH's answer to #6! LOL

Great answers - I guess SK is really into trains! Thanks for playing!

Danielle said...

Oh my goodness, I loved reading your hubby's answers. Made me laugh out loud. Love the last answer best, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Did JH cheat??? We played!